Be a Guest on the Live your Life Podcast

Be the boss of your life experience and design your best life. Most of us operate based on hidden beliefs about ourselves, and are therefore powerless in our lives. Jasmine Svare has a Masters degree in Psychology and works with clients as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor to create their best and most successful lives. While this podcast, of course, does not provide you with counseling or healthcare services from Jasmine, you can start to build your understanding of subconscious programming, existing in the truth, and being empowered to create your future. Let’s co-create a conscious life experience that allows us to truly live our lives; conscious, awake, and empowered. Join Jasmine and others in authentic and inspiring conversations that invite us all to fully live our lives.

The Live Your Life Podcast

Jasmine Svare

021 Change your Life with Feng Shui with Karen Carte‪r‬

Karen Rauch Carter is licensed landscape architect, a professional feng shui consultant and healthy-lifestyle designer, educator, and the best-selling author of Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life and Make a Shift, Change Your Life. She coaches, trains, and empowers people to use a variety of techniques to enrich and improve all areas of their lives.

Karen has over 25 years of experience cumulatively studying feng

shui, architecture, the psychology of personal space, anthropmetrics, landscape architecture, bau-biology, nutrition, Eastern philosophies and healing modalities. She helps create living and work spaces that not only are functional and aesthetically pleasing, but are actually created to specifically benefit particular areas of her client’s lives

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019 Complaining and Victim Mentalit‪y‬

Do you ever complain? Why do you do it? Is it because you need to feel loved and supported? Is it serving something? In this episode, I talk briefly about complaining and how it might serve us, but how it can also keep us stuck in a victim mindset. How can we be more aware of the things that cause us strife that we have the power to change? Be aware of the changes you can make, instead of just being stuck in being unhappy. I reference two books in this episode, one is called “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari and the other is called “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life you Always Wanted” by Will Bowen. Both are great reads, I highly recommend!

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018 Shift your Mindset with Gratitud‪e‬

Part of creating a peaceful life is practicing discipline with our thinking. Our brains are programmed with what’s called a Negativity Bias, we focus on what’s wrong or what could go wrong because that’s what our ancestors needed to do to survive. Gratitude is a simple way that we can redirect and focus on the things that are good in our life. Whatever we think about is our experience so let’s set some intention to focus on what’s right instead of what’s wrong.

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017 Thank you for Thirteen Years Sobe‪r

On August 8th, I celebrated thirteen years sober. I am a completely different person than I was thirteen years ago, as I’m sure many of us are. For me, it was back then that I chose to live a more conscious life and allow myself to be vulnerable enough to know that I had a lot to learn. I do not want to live an unconscious life where I don’t deal with uncomfortable feelings, and that is the path I was on. I was on a path to the darkness, and now I find myself in the light. I choose to live a life where if something causes problems in my life, I change it. I want to fully experience an awesome life, and for me, that is a sober life. I hope you choose to live your best life too.

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016 The Normalcy of Emotions during Covid: Allow their Expressio‪n‬

Express your emotions. Many of us learned to repress our emotions and sometimes this will lead to the emotions manifesting themselves as physical illness in our bodies. Your emotions are your most authentic and vulnerable part of yourself, let them be there and learn to express them in a way that honors and validates them and you. Own your life and know that it’s important for you to let yourself feel your feelings. I talk a lot in this episode about the work of Gabor Mate, MD and his book “When the Body says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection”. This is so important, especially right now.

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015 Framework for Toxic Relationships with Frances Schopic‪k‬

Having language and a framework helps us understand. Frances Schopick, JD, MSW served on the Faculty of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and currently serves as Adjunct Faculty at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She has extensive experience researching Mood and Personality Disorders (such as Narcissism and Antisocial PD) and psychiatric illness. She provides legal representation and consultation for healthcare clinicians in Washington State, as well as educational and informational consultation for healthcare providers nationwide.

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014 Claim your Identity and Power with your Personal Brand with Kim Peterso‪n‬

Who are you? (S)PEAK, (E)NGAGE, (L)OOK & (L)IVE The Brand Called You Out Loud & Attract the Right Opportunities in Business & Life! Are you ready to: Own Your Unique Genius? Build Unshakable Self-Confidence? Elevate Your Style & Personal Brand? Clarify & Live Your Vision of Success? Speak with Confidence, Clarity & Impact? Be the Total Package? Kim Peterson, Image/Personal Brand Consultant~Corporate Trainer/Global Speaker~Coach

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013 38 Life Lessons for my 38th Birthday

Tomorrow is my 38th birthday. In honor of my birthday, I have created a list of 38 life lessons that I have found to be important to me and I have witnessed them being important for the people around me. I have learned so much in my 38 years of life and I will continue to pay attention, because seriously, life gets better every year.

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Be a Guest on the Live your Life Podcast!

Welcome to the Live your Life Podcast where the goal is to invite people to live their best life through conscious conversations.

13 + 14 =
