Valentine’s Day is an interesting day, it’s usually either wonderful or horrible. What I want to invite you to see is that most of what we are taught about love doesn’t work. Most of what we are taught isn’t love, and it’s definitely not self-love. We are filled with expectations of others and powerlessness because we have given our self-worth to the people around us. That is a set up, and that does not work.

Whether you are in a partnership or you desire one, I invite you to pay attention. Love and take care of yourself. Tend to your emotional wounds, that’s how we find healthy love. I could scream about self-love from the mountain tops and we might all hear it, but it’s still seriously lacking. Love yourself, first. Take care of yourself, first. That’s how we have healthy love.

I talk a lot about A Course in Miracles in this episode. Visit if you are ready to do some work.
